LOL. Never been editing thing blog for such a long time. So's gonna be valentine's day. But I don't think i'll be going to the valentine party anyway coz....look, Annie is nt going. Apprently, she gt to practise her Violin, Patricia is definely don't know. Maybe "GAY" will be going then she'll go. (JOKING, JOKING)! Yesterday was so surprising. Seriously, cause during our Literature class, i dunno why, Melody was abit down. Suddenly, T. Emily started saying 2 her..."Melody, don't be sad..or not Mike will be sad too". Melody, Annie, Patricia and i were like "omg!" How did T. Emily knows abt Melody and "GAY"? Our eyes were like all big. The whole time we were thinking who told teacher. But many teachers knows abt it. Hehe. So anyway, that's all 4 now. Bye!
Happy Valentine's Day!
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