
One Life, One Love

1. Melody
2. Annie
3. Trishh
4. Eunice
5. Mike
6. Kennith
7. Sarah
8. Frank

1. How Long Have You Know 2? AN
err....Since Grade 5 .

2. Do 3 and 8 get along easily? TRISH AND FRANK
Nope....They don't...lol

3. Is 1 single? MELODY
Yepp..i guess .

4. Do you think 2 and 6 are a good match? ANNIE AND KENNITH

5. What will happen if you haven't meet 4? EUNICE
The World is gonna turn upside down. lol.

6. What's 7's sir name? SARAH
I don't know?

7. When was the last time you chatted with 1 ? MELODY
Yesterday ;D

8. Do you think 3 is sporty? TRISH
Haha..Yeah, better than me ;D

9. How old is 5? MIKE
hm....14? 15? 80?!

10. What's 6's gender? KENNITH
.....i have n0 idea (Annie, Trish and Melody should understand this =P)

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